




湖南省棉花产业技术体系栽培与良种繁育岗位专家项目(湘农发[2022]31号);湖南省农业农村厅项目(湘财建指[2023]98 号、湘财建指[2024]162 号)


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    以早熟棉品种JX0010为材料,于2022年和2023年进行大田试验,设置2个播期A1(5月17日播种)、A2(5月30日播种),3个种植密度B1 (30 000株/hm2)、B2 (45 000株/hm2)、B3 (60 000株/hm2),3种施氮量C1(150 kg/hm2)、C2(180 kg/hm2)、C3(210 kg/hm2),研究播期、种植密度和施氮量对短季直播棉成铃时空分布及产量形成的影响。结果表明:晚播能够促进棉铃向中、下部及内围果节集中,改善蕾铃脱落情况,但在多雨年份会显著增加秋桃比例,存在晚熟风险;早播有利于提高棉花产量,在2022年,A1的籽棉产量和皮棉产量分别较A2提高16.3%和15.3%;在2023年,A1的籽棉产量、皮棉产量分别较A2的显著提高37.4%、39.9%;种植密度对成铃时间分布影响不显著;增加种植密度可显著提高产量,2022年,B3的籽棉产量分别较B2、B1的提高10.0%、20.6%,皮棉产量分别提高7.7%、21.6%;2023年,B3的籽棉产量较B2、B1的分别显著提高16.5%、23.5%,B3的皮棉产量分别较B2、B1的显著提高15.8%、24.1%;施氮量对蕾铃空间分布无显著影响;2022年C2处理降低了脱落率,增加了单株铃数,提高了产量,C2的籽棉产量较C1、C3的分别提高11.7%、12.2%;2023年C1处理降低了脱落率,增加了单株铃数,提高了产量,C1的籽棉产量较C2、C3的分别提高39.8%、41.3%。综上,湖南棉区适宜播期为5月中旬,最佳种植密度为60 000株/hm2,考虑天气条件,在短季栽培一次性施肥模式下,建议氮肥用量减至150~180 kg/hm2。


    Using the early-maturing variety JX0010 as the material, field trials were conducted in 2022 and 2023 to study the effects of sowing date, density and nitrogen application on the spatio-temporal distribution of boll formation and yield formation of short-season direct seeded cotton. The experiments were set with two sowing periods A1(sown on 17 May) and A2(sown on 30 May), three planting densities B1(30 000 plants/hm2), B2(45 000 plants/hm2), B3(60 000 plants/hm2), and three nitrogen application rates C1(150 kg/hm2), C2(180 kg/hm2), C3 (210 kg/hm2). The results showed that late sowing could promote the concentration of cotton bolls to the middle, lower and inner peripheral nodes and improve the situation of bud and boll shedding, while in the rainy years, this pattern could significantly increase the proportion of autumn peaches with a risk of late ripening. Andearly sowing was conducive to improving cotton yields. The seed and lint yields of A1 increased by 16.3% and 15.3% compared with those of A2 in 2022, and the seed and lint yields of A1 increased significantly by 37.4% and 39.9% compared with those of A2 in 2023. The effect of planting density on the temporal distribution of boll formation was not significant, while the effect on the spatial distribution of buds and bolls and the rate of abscission varied markedly from year to year. Increasing planting density could significantly improve yields. The seed cotton yield of B3 was higher than that of B2 and B1 by 10.0% and 20.6%, respectively, and the lint yield of B3 was higher than that of B2 and B1 by 7.7% and 21.6%, respectively in 2022. And the seed cotton yield of B3 was significantly higher than that of B2 and B1 by 16.5% and 23.5%, respectively, and the lint yield of B3 was significantly higher than that of B2 and B1 by 15.8% and 24.1%, respectively in 2023. Nitrogen application had no significant effect on the spatial distribution of buds and bolls. The C2 treatment lowered the rate of abscission, increased the number of bolls per plant, and raised the yield, and the seed cotton yield of C2 increased by 11.7% and 12.2% compared with that of C1 and C3, respectively in 2022. , And the C1 treatment reduced the rate of abscission, increased the number of single bolls, and improved the yield, and the seed cotton yield of C1 was 39.8% and 41.3% higher than that of C2 and C3, respectively in 2023. In conclusion, from the study, the suitable sowing date in Hunan cotton area is mid-May, the optimal planting density is 60 000 plants/hm2. Considering the weather conditions, it is recommended to reduce the amount of nitrogen fertilizer to 150-180 kg/hm2 under the one-time fertilizer application mode of short-season cultivation.



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  • 在线发布日期: 2024-11-27
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