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    选取冬眠前、冬眠中、冬眠后3个时期平均体质量为(1000±50) g的中华鳖各6只(雌雄各半)为材料,研究冬眠对中华鳖肌肉和裙边氨基酸组分的影响,并综合评价其氨基酸营养价值。结果表明:3个时期,中华鳖肌肉和裙边均含有17种常见氨基酸,其中肌肉中谷氨酸质量分数最高,裙边中则是甘氨酸质量分数最高;冬眠前肌肉氨基酸总量显著高于冬眠中和冬眠后的(P<0.05),冬眠前和冬眠中裙边氨基酸总量显著高于冬眠后的(P<0.05);肌肉必需氨基酸中,赖氨酸质量分数最高,中华鳖肌肉的必需氨基酸总量与氨基酸总量的比值(EAA/TAA)和必需氨基酸总量与非必需氨基酸总量的比值(EAA/NEAA)均显著高于裙边的(P<0.05),肌肉中EAA/TAA与EAA/NEAA均高于FAO/WHO理想蛋白质推荐标准(40%和60%);肌肉的鲜味氨基酸总量、鲜味氨基酸总量与17种氨基酸总量的比值均显著低于裙边的(P<0.05);在评价的9种必需氨基酸中,除冬眠中肌肉缬氨酸的氨基酸评分(AAS)和氨基酸比值系数(RC)最低外,其余处理均是蛋氨酸+胱氨酸(Met+Cys)总和的AAS、RC最低,且肌肉与裙边的AAS、RC间的差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05),各处理的Met+Cys总和的氨基酸化学评分均最低,说明中华鳖冬眠中肌肉第一限制性氨基酸组分为缬氨酸,其余时期肌肉和裙边中第一限制性氨基酸组分均为Met+Cys,且肌肉中氨基酸平衡性要优于裙边;肌肉必需氨基酸指数(EAAI)均大于70,为优质蛋白源;肌肉EAAI、生物价和营养指数均显著高于裙边的(P<0.05);中华鳖肌肉氨基酸灰色关联度(GC)是冬眠中的最低,而裙边GC则是冬眠中的最高,且肌肉的GC显著高于裙边的(P<0.05),说明冬眠中中华鳖肌肉氨基酸的平衡性不如冬眠前和冬眠后的,且裙边氨基酸的平衡性不如肌肉的;氨基酸聚类分析结果也表明中华鳖肌肉氨基酸配比比裙边氨基酸更为合理,其品质更佳。


    To understand the amino acid compositions of the muscles and the calipashes in Chinese soft-shell turtle(Pelodiscus sinensis), and to comprehensively evaluate their nutritional value, we collected muscles and calipashes from 6 P. sinensis(3 males and 3 females) with an average weight of (1000±50) g during the three periods of pre-hibernation, mid-hibernation and post-hibernation. The results showed as follows: 17 amino acids were contained in both muscles and calipashes during the three periods of pre-hibernation, mid-hibernation and post-hibernation, where the mass fraction of glutamic acid was the highest in the muscles while it was glycine with the highest mass fraction in the calipashes, and the mass fractions of total 17 amino acids(TAA) in P. sinensis muscles during the pre-hibernation period(M1) was significantly higher than ones during the mid-hibernation period(M2) and post-hibernation period(M3)(P<0.05), however, those in the calipashes were significantly higher during both pre-hibernation period(S1) and mid-hibernation period(S2) than during post-hibernation period(S3)(P<0.05). Among the essential amino acids, the mass fraction of lysine was the highest in the muscles and the ratios of the mass fraction of essential amino acids(EAA) to TAA and EAA to total non-essential amino acids(NEAA) were significantly higher in the muscles than in the calipashes(P<0.05), which were also higher in the muscles than in the ideal FAO/WHO protein recommendations(40% and 60%). The mass fractions of total delicious amino acids(DAA) and the ratios of DAA/TAA were significantly lower in the muscles than in the calipashes(P<0.05). The results of amino acid score(AAS) and chemical score(RC) among evaluating 9 essential amino acids showed that except valine(Val) of muscle during M2, the AAS and RC of the methionine and cystine(Met+Cys) sum in the rest of the groups were the lowest ones, and their differences were statistically significant in the muscles and in the calipashes(P<0.05), the chemical score of Met+Cys was also the lowest one in the muscles and in the calipashes of all groups, which indicated that Val was the first restricted amino acid component of the muscles during M2, and Met+Cys was the one of both the muscles and the calipashes during the other two periods, and the balance peculiarities of amino acids in the muscles were superior to ones in the calipashes. The results of essential amino acid index(EAAI) higher than 70 indicated that the quality of muscle protein was a high quality protein source. There were significantly higher in the muscles than in the calipashes for EAAI, biological value and nutrition index in P. sinensis(P<0.05). The orders of the amino acids grey correlation(GC) in P. sinensis showed that GC in the muscles during M2 was the lowest one among three periods, while its in calipashes during S2 was the highest one, which were significantly higher in the muscles than in calipashes(P<0.05), which meant the balance of amino acids in P. sinensis of the muscles during M2 was inferior to the ones during M1 and M3, and its in the calipashes was inferior to the one in the muscles. The results of clustering tree analysis also showed that the amino acid proportions of the muscles were more reasonable than ones in the calipashes which revealed that the qualities of amino acids in the muscles were better than those in the calipashes.



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  • 在线发布日期: 2021-04-28
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