Abstract:To understand the physic–chemical properties of soils in Dawei? Mountain? area of eastern Hunan and to further establish their taxonomy, 6 typical granite–derived soil profiles at different elevations were collected and the information of soil–forming conditions and profile morphological characteristics were studied by use of field observation and experimental measurement in the laboratory. The results showed that there are 10 diagnostic horizons and characteristics such as Umbric epipedon, LAC–ferric horizon and Argic horizon in the 6 soil profiles. These soil profiles belong to Luvisols, Ferrisols and Cambisols in soil order, 4 soil suborders including Perudic Cambisols, Udic Ferrisols, Udic Luvisols and Perudic Luvisols , 6 soil groups such as Aci–Perudic Cambisols, Hap–Udic Ferrisols, Aci–Udic Luvisols, and 6 soil subgroups of Typic Hap–Udi Ferrisols, Red Aci–Udi Luvisols, Humic Aci–Per Cambisols and etc. According to the Chinese classification standards of soil family and soil series, 6 soil families and 6 soil series are identified and established in Dawei mountain area.