Abstract:42 cross combinations, which come from the crossing with 15 parents of CP series and 21 varieties clones developed in China, were used as materials. The coefficient of variation (CV), heritability, combining ability and economic breeding or genetic values of the main characters, such as plant height, stalk diameter, brix, millable stalk per stool, cluster weight, sugar yield per stool of F1 populations were analyzed by R software. The results showed that: the coefficients of phenotype variation (PCV) were larger than the coefficients of genetic variation (GCV) in the coefficients of average variation of six traits, and the variations of millable stalk per stool, cluster weight and sugar yield per stool were larger than the variations of plant height, stalk diameter and brix; the average heritability of six traits was the highest (42.53%) in the combinations, 34.35% in female parent and 27.07% in male; all traits were more affected by female except plant height and stalk diameter; all traits of combinations were higher than those of their parents except the traits of brix and millable stalk per stool, which were between the male and the female. The parents of CP, HoCP95–988 (as female and male), CP72–1210 (as female), CP85–1491 (as female), HoCP92–648 (as female), CP72–2086 (as male), CP84–1198 (as male), CP93–1382 (as male), CP94–1100 (as male) had better general combining ability (GCA) and economic breeding value (EBV) than the others. The combinations, CP72–1210×ROC24, CP85–1491×ROC22, HoCP92– 648×Guitang92–66, Funong95–1702×HoCP95–988, Yuetang91–976×HoCP95–988 had better special combining ability (SCA) and economic genetic value (EGV) than the others.