Abstract:A field experiment was conducted to study the effect of sepiolite and calcium magnesium phosphate fertilizer at application levels of 400 and 800 g/m2 on available Cd content in tobacco planting soil, soil pH value, Cd contents in tobacco and agronomic characters of tobacco. Both sepiolite and calcium magnesium phosphate proved to reduce available Cd content in soil and Cd uptake by tobacco, and the reduction effects was improved with increasing application levels of the 2 materials. However, there was no significant difference in reduction effect between sepiolite and calcium magnesium phosphate fertilizer. At the same time, the 2 materials resulted in increasing soil pH value. Decrease in available Cd in soil and in Cd uptake by tobacco could be partially attributed to the increase in soil pH value, but the 2 materials could not be applied excessively because an appropriate soil pH value was necessary for the growth of tobacco. At the application level of 400 g/m2, calcium magnesium phosphate fertilizer increased fresh weight of tobacco leaf. In application level of 800 g/m2, sepiolite and calcium magnesium phosphate fertilizer showed no significant effect on fresh weight, plant height and effective leaf number of tobacco.