Abstract:Bending properties of miscanthus was investigated by Measuring and analyzing internode moisture content, outside diameter, original cross-sectional area, cross sectional moment of inertia, peak load, elastic modulus and bending rigidity. The results showed big differences in the bending properties among different varieties of miscanthus, and for hybrid miscanthus variety Xiangzamang No.2, hybrid variety between Miscanthus and Triarrhena lutarioriparia, biennial Triarrhena lutarioriparia apogamic seedling and triennial Triarrhena lutarioriparia, the averages of tensile strength were 6 377.07, 5 162.36, 1 694.72 and 1 364.92 MPa, respectively, whose maximum stress were 88.37, 103.48, 39.07 and 38.25 MPa respectively. As the design of cutting, crushing and holding mechanism must be based on the maximum value, the greatest stress presented on the 8th stem of the hybrid variety between Miscanthus and Triarrhena lutarioriparia, which was 103.48 MPa could be considered for crushing machine design.