Abstract:In this paper, the germination ability of the salinetoloerant Bromus cartharticus Vahl new strain’s seeds was studied under neutral salt and alkaline salt conditions. We applied NaCl and Na2CO3 at concentrations of 0.2%, 0.4%, 0.6%, 08%, 1.0% and 1.2% for salt stress treatments. The relative germination percentage, germination index and vigor index of Bromus cartharticus Vahl declined with increased salinity. In 0.2~0.8%NaCl concentrations, the neutral salt had the promoter action to the radicle length. Its length increased about 40.2% comparing with control, but the amplitude of variation reduced with the concentration increasing. The lerngth of embryo root was greatly restrainted under Na2CO3-stress. A large nmber of non-root plants occurred. The regression analysis was carried by the ralative germination percentage under two different single-salts stress. The preference value, critical value and ultimate value of Bromus cartharticus Vahl new strain’s seeds respectively were 0.65%, 1.14% and 1.93% under NaCl –stress, compared to the Na2CO3 stress under various values (0.38%, 0.71% and 1.24%). The ability of Bromus cartharticus Vahl new strain’s seeds to bear the neutral salt (NaCl) stress was bigger than alkaline salt (Na2CO3 ) if all germination indicators were all considered.